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Engineering Student Organization Project Grant

The Engineering Student Organization (ESO) Project Grant provides funding to support innovative and impactful projects by engineering students. 


A student organization must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a Registered Student Organization (RSO)
  • Be registered as an Engineering Student Organization (ESO) in the College of Engineering
  • Have a faculty/staff adviser
  • Have not received funding from the Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge (EIC) or the UW Health Innovation Challenge (HIC) that will be awarded during the ESO project grant award cycle
  • Must be applying regarding a specific new project with specific outcomes and timeline in mind.

Selection criteria

The grant is intended to support new efforts only; funding will not be awarded to support standard programming for which we expect RSOs have already budgeted and raised funds. 

The College of Engineering will consider awarding funding to projects that meet two or more of the priority selection criteria:


  • Application demonstrates how RSO promotes diversity/accessibility within member organization and makes a positive community impact.
  • Application explains how the project engages participants from different disciplines and among different academic levels. 

Fundraising capacity

  • Application demonstrates a concerted effort to raise funds or otherwise source support from departments and external sources.
  • Application includes plans for fund matching from departments or external sources.


  • Application outlines a plan for achieving specific goals and outcomes during the award period, which ends 12 months after the quarter in which you applied.
  • Application clearly indicates that grant will not support activities or projects outside of the 12 month award period (see note on extension requests below).


  • Grant will be used for program start-up costs.
  • Application includes plans for the program to be financially self-sustaining in the future.


  • Grant will be applied toward unique and/or unexpected opportunities (or emergency expenditures) that arise for your group for which funding was not allocated in your original budget.

A one-page report and applicable receipts will be required 2 months after the end of the award use period. If extenuating circumstances prevent you from using the money within a year, you may send an extension request with documentation to

Award amounts

Average award amounts in 2024-25 are expected to be $500-$1,500. 

Application periods and deadlines

QuarterApplication opensDeadline (5:00 p.m. Pacific Time)Notification dateAward use deadline*
Autumn 2024Oct. 2, 2024Oct. 9, 2024Oct. 25, 2024End of Autumn Quarter 2025
Winter 2025Jan. 13, 2025Jan. 20, 2025Feb. 7, 2025End of Winter Quarter 2026
Spring 2025Apr. 7, 2025Apr. 14, 2025May 2, 2025End of Spring Quarter 2026

*Awarded grant funds are expected to be used only during the award period. 

RSOs may submit an application in multiple application periods. Upon request, the Project Grant Review Committee will provide feedback on applications. 

International travel policy & terms

If your RSO's activities include international travel, accepting this funding from the College of Engineering requires your travel to comply with the

UW Student International Travel Policy

Application instructions

Complete the ESO Project Grant Application at the link below before the application deadline. The application includes the following questions:

  1. Describe your organization's project. What question or problem does your organization seek to address?
  2. Review the priority selection criteria for this grant. In what ways does your project application meet these criteria?
  3. What is the total amount you are requesting from the College of Engineering ESO Project Grant?
  4. Please provide information about the expected expenses toward which the requested project grant will be applied.

Upon request, the Project Grant Review Committee will provide feedback on your application so your RSO understands the award decision. 

Apply now

2023-24 awardees

The following groups have been awarded grants in the 2023-24 academic year:

Autumn Quarter 2023:

Winter Quarter 2024:

Spring Quarter 2024: