logo, UW Women's Initiative how to create a Women's Initiative

What is a WI?

How to Use This Site



How to Use This Site

Who Is This Site Intended For?

This site is meant for Universities and Colleges intending to start a similar program to the University of Washington Women's Initiative (UWWI) and the MIT Women's Initiative. This site should be used by the faculty advisor and the coordinator together, and the tasks should be discussed and the responsibilities divided between the two.


How Do I Use It?

This site contains best practices, materials, and suggestions by the creators of the UWWI. The program began by adapting the MIT Women's Initiative, and has since been developed into its own working outreach program in Seattle. We include advice and materials needed to get your program off the ground in its first year, as well as suggestions on how to sustain your program after that point. We also provide downloads of example presentations, presenter training manuals, databases for organizing contacts and visit scheduling, examples of Google calendars, flyers, and much more. We guide you through the process we used to adapt MIT's very successful model. Our materials and suggestions will be able to adapt into a successful program that encourages young women to pursue education and careers in the engineering disciplines in your local area.



We want to continue to increase the effectiveness of our programs, so if you have developed a best practice or have suggestions to improve the functionality of the women's initiatives, let us know. Look for this logo and email us your suggestions!



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© Copyright 2008 University of Washington, College of Engineering