Research Briefs -

Developing Effective Teaching Practices

The following summaries of CAEE research findings on Developing Effective Teaching Practices include topics such as:

  • the impact of faculty decision-making on teaching
  • development of teaching portfolios by future faculty
  • stages in developing identity as an engineering educator
  • applying CAEE research to undergraduate curriculum reform

Engineering faculty member and three students in a lab setting

How Do Engineering Educators Take Student Difference into Account? (FIE 2009)
This paper addresses the extent to which, and the ways in which, engineering educators take student differences into account when making teaching-related decisions. Read the brief >

Conceptualizing Engagement: Contributions of Faculty to Student Engagement in Engineering. (Journal of Engineering Education 2008)
The authors seek to show in this article that faculty members play a critical role in creating conditions conducive to student engagement -- this role can be referred to as faculty engagement. Read the brief >

We All Take Learners Into Account In Our Teaching Decisions: Wait, Do We? (ASEE 2008)
This paper focuses on three types of learner characterizations by faculty: interacting with students, student ratings, and active learning. Read the brief >

The Real World: A Factor That Engineering Faculty Consider in Making Decisions About Teaching (IMECE 2007)
Faculty members echoed the needs described in the NAE report “The Engineer of 2020” which makes strong recommendations for teaching engineering students how to incorporate global and societal issues into their engineering processes. Read the brief >

Decisions About Teaching: What Factors Do Engineering Faculty Consider? (ASEE 2007)
Understanding engineering educator teaching decisions is valuable to new engineering educators by helping them recognize factors to consider when making decisions and by promoting reflective teaching practice leading to effective instructional choices. Read the brief >

Using Diversity Statements to Promote Engagement With Diversity and Teaching. (ASEE 2006)
Writing and sharing individual diversity statements represents one strategy for empowering educators in their efforts to address diversity in their teaching. Read the brief >

Decision-Making: What Does It Have To Do With My Teaching? (ASEE 2006)
Through an understanding of the characteristics of engineering educator decisions, educators will gain a greater awareness of decision-making in their teaching by recognizing, characterizing, and anticipating decision points. Read the brief >

What's So Important About Peer Review of Teaching Portfolio Components? An Exploratory Analysis of Peer-Review Episodes Within ETPP. (ASEE 2006)
Construction of teaching portfolios in a socially supportive context can promote the advancement of teaching knowledge and ability among future engineering faculty. Read the brief >

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